I remember my arithmetic teacher from school trying to draw a circle which looked more like a square. Talk about squaring a circle! Well I’m not trying to asses his skills in art; he was a geometry teacher anyway. The point I’m trying to drive home is on a different plane - the fact that invariably, the circle of life completes its bizarre but inevitable cycle.
The roller-coaster (as some would say) of life is a unique phenomenon that appears to follow an intangible trajectory which strangely but certainly reaches its end-point or whatever point you call it.
Everyone quests for a better life. Those with a simple life want a bigger one; the poor wants to get rich, the rich wants to get richer; the cobbler wants to be an engineer, the engineer wants to be a millionaire; the millionaire wants to be a billionaire, the billionaire wants a simple and happy life.
The matrix of life is beautiful indeed. And life, as we all must have realized, is a great leveler. Nature has a particular way of treating her subjects. Every individual gets an opportunity to make a life, rather live a life.
And once is all we get, make it or wreck it! Some do make it and others, well they just miss it altogether. Whatever be the situation, the lesson is always the same- make sure your life is worth living. And a life worth living is priceless.
Luxury is desirable and wealth is superior but upright living is virtuous prosperity. The ghosts of fallen warriors bear the torch of honour and they often slay the deceitful it seems. In life, it all comes back!
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