Patriotically speaking!
‡ Rising high from the enchanting Dzükou valley
Streaming down to the brimming Doyang banks
Towering with royal pride the Mt.Saramati
Stretching to the majestic forest the Intangki
From the hush of the hills of Pangsha
To the rush of the plains of Dhansiri
Rests my land in a mosaic of colours
Colours of festivals, dances and warriors!
‡ A montage of cultures and peoples,
The ubiquitous and warriorly the Sumis
The simple but ever out-reaching the Kukis
The contented but vivid the Yimchungers
The native but courteous the Khiamniungans
The beauty personified and avant-garde the Aos
The unsung but loyal patrons the Phoms
The quaint but humorous the Lothas
The somber but industrious the Rengmas.
‡ The historically-oriented but affable the Changs
The stout but cheerful the Chakhesangs
The vibrant and mingling the Sangtams
The aged but sharp-witted the Konyaks
The dance-beauty and colour-embodied the Zeliangs
The gracious and candid the Pochurys
The vague but ever present the Kacharis
The undulating but blessed the Angamis
Oh a grandiose medley on land
My People, my land, Nagaland!
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