Thursday, May 8, 2014

Have You Lost Your Way? Welcome to Nagaland!!

Some of the few milestones along roads in Nagaland should surely carry "Where Roads end Nagaland begins" OR " If you think you are lost, you have reached Nagaland"...

Well the roads in nagaland , if they can be called so, leave a bad taste in the mouth whenever one traverses through them. And the comfort that one receives when one pulls over these rr...roads is one to cherish!!

Hang on...before you put on that moral robe and start a blasphemy criticizing all and sundry, it may be politely declared that everyone has a share of blame for this sorry state of affairs. The powers of the day alone are not a party to this melee, though of course the largest share of blame may be conveniently heaved upon them; there is no less contribution from all sections of the society to this inflated problem.

The Civic classes in the schools have not proved handy in this department for the nagas. Everyone is gleefully unloading and dumping all sorts of wastes on the roadsides and into the drainages. Wherever human settlements exist, the roads are worse. This is an interesting but terrible observation I have been masticating with great difficulty to digest.

The poor quality of workmanship is one thing and we do not have room to condone wretches behind such works. Nonetheless, it will be gracious enough to admit the dynamics of the society and the system at play. The push of the holy land-owners for an 'adjustment' here and the pulls of the 'national' cuts rounding up to incredible percentages there; the humble but deceptive local leader slicing for some crumbs and the routine visit of the community' s young peoples' representatives to the contractor's...the list is rather endless!

Eventually, the man behind the show lands up precariously unstable both financially and mentally and the whole project becomes a non-starter. This completes the cycle and brings us back to where we all started... taking us to the Road to Perdition!!   

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

(Un) Christian Model of Nagaland

I was in my Sunday best. Life was seeming colourfully pleasant and meticulously designed. Then I tripped!!

Thank God it was a notional fall...

Nagas have placed themselves on a very high moral pedestal - namely ' Nagaland A Christian State' or something, I cannot exactly remember the unforgettable slogan!!

Anyway it is about time, way high time, we stepped down from this towering title we have embossed upon ourselves and start to learn the basics. In other words, let us stop being hypocrites and fraudsters who fool no one else but ourselves.

I am rationally amazed at the way we project ourselves as the last community of hallowed, sanctified and pious beings around. The theatrical mannerisms and the way we conduct ourselves as respectable Christians is a unique skill limitedly endowed upon a few sections of people called the Nagas I could safely conclude.

The proverbial story of a Zebra hopping around disguised in the stripes of aTiger comes to mind immediately at this stage. No prizes for guessing who the Zebra here is.

Well for a start, let us delink ourselves from the age old motto 'Nagaland...something' which to me is a remarkable phenomenon of double standard characteristics. If we wish to claim ourselves as good Christians, let us live as one.

The insatiable love for wealth; the stone-dry sympathy for neighbours; the immovable laziness to work and earn and the parasitic approach to life are unmistakably not the virtues of a Christian model.

Let us wake...let us go.